Friday, January 16, 2009


My handsome husband on the beach at the end of the street that we are hoping to live on
Modeling our hot little rental car
I want a new car that looks like this bug!
Turn your head and take a look at this tired and hot couple
Sitting on the wall of the student lodge where we live temporarily


David G. Filhart (a.k.a. the Davey Baby) said...

are you guys having a blast or what!?!?! LIVING THE LIFE!!!

Babe in Boysland said...

Those pics are GORGEOUS! And seriously, is it me, or is it possible that you look more pink??? I swear you do...

Dustin said...

NEIGHBORS!!!!!!!! This is too cool! I can't believe ya'll are there! It looks so Australian and things. So I really need to go there! Well have fun! Keep posting and keep it down undah... if you know what I mean. Awkwards. Ok..... happy day and joy! Ya'll are much missed! But we'll come soon!
k bye

Robyn said...

holly the pictures are fantastic, now you need to write another long blog and let us all know what is going on. You look busy busy busy and happy.

Terri said...

That is so cool that you're in Australia! I really want to come and visit you. Good luck with getting settled and everything.