Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Good News

I have good news! I received a call from Dr. Everitt after a very long and stressful weekend (I tried to chill out I really did). She told me that the surgeon, Dr Kaza, that I wanted to do my surgery could do it!! However, he could only do it at the U of U hospital and not IMC. I was disappointed to go to the U because although I am a Ute, I have heard bad things about the hospital. The IMC Dr's were hesitant of taking me on because of my complex congenital heart disease.

I made a couple of calls to people that I know that have had surgeries and a liver transplant at the U. They said very good things about the U so I promised myself to start from scratch and erase all of the years that I have avoided the U at all costs.

I was able to go visit the transplant team at the U and basically it was all of the same stuff I have heard at PCMC about transplant but it came out of different faces. They were very kind and friendly faces! I was relieved when I met them but nervous when I went to the lab and a student phlebotomist did a really awful job on my blood draw. Oh well, I guess there is good and bad care at every hospital on the planet.

I will need to have a few more tests (story of my life) and meet the surgeon at the U that will be consulting and handling my surgery with Dr. Kaza, then they will be (hopefully) taking my case to the transplant board and placing me on the "list" on the week of the 25th of May.

Since I have another week before my next appointment Quintin and I packed up and took off for Phoenix yesterday. We are staying for a week and just enjoying the warm weather and being away from all of the chaos for awhile. I am typing this from the Marriot (thanks Lisa), as I relax.

Love, Holly


ledmel23 said...

Holly - it's me, Mel. Look! I'm finally reading your blog! :) Sorry I've been such a slacker. I'm so glad you get the doctor you want! I learn so much from you, admire you, pray for you, and love you. Have fun in AZ - you deserve a little time away from it all. (p.s. love the song choices on here.)

Ellen W. said...

Congrats on the Doctor of Choice!!! That is really important. Don't worry about the change of hospital. I think of you so often and you are always in my thoughts and prayers. You are a darling, vibrant, loving and FUNNY woman! Have fun in AZ and relax in the sun!